Side B

Side B

Saturday, July 23, 2011

人整我又整之。。。。Oreo 芝士蛋糕


忌廉芝士(cream cheese)        250g
淡忌廉 (whipping cream)      150g
Oreo 餅乾                              120g
牛油                                         70g
糖                                             50g (我無落)
鮮奶                                      100ml
魚膠粉                                  2茶匙
18cm 圓模一個 (底可移動)

1。 先把牛油座熱水至完全溶 解
2。 把Oreo 餅乾內的cream 用刀剔出; 并壓碎加入已溶既牛油,攪勻及倒入圓模內,用匙壓平,放入雪柜冷藏, 待用
3。 把鮮奶煮熱;拌入魚膠粉至溶解
4。  把忌廉芝士及淡忌廉打勻至完全混合好
5。  分別加入鮮奶,糖,并打至滑身
6。  最後加入兩塊壓碎的Oreo 餅乾打勻
7。  把混合物倒入圓模,放入雪柜冷藏至凝固即成
因雪柜無blueberry, 又無strawberry, 屋企又無蠟燭;我家老闆話唔洗咁花巧喇,就咁一刀就切落去,所以個蛋糕真係好plain。 我家高齡奶奶又食到黏黏脷!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


昨晚我家老闆被邀請出席香港電影節2011開幕典禮,我又拉衫尾去參與。 首播的電影是剛得獎的 “打擂台”。 在茶聚及林監製致詞之後,便觀看呢套原汁原味廣東話既得獎作品。由頭笑到尾,全無冷場。。。。可能是廣東話版,對白至精景!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


上次MD開班教Ms. M 做包我未能抽空去,但食過Ms. M D 洋蔥芝士火腿包及腸仔包又好回味。在MD電郵的指導下,我又學人整包包。

1.  Bread Flour                                     500g / 18oz
2.  Yeast                                              12g / 0.4oz
3.  Butter                                             20g / 0.7oz
4.  Sugar                                              25g / 1oz
5.  Salt                                                 Pinch
6.  Milk                                                275ml / 10fl oz
7.  Egg Yolk                                        One
1)      Put all ingredients to the mixer to mix on low speed for 5 mins.
2)      Mix on medium speed for another 3 mins.
3)      Take the dough from the mixer
4)      Dust surface of the table with flour and put dough in the center
5)      Knead dough with palm for 1 min
6)      Leave the dough in a bowl, cover with a table towel and leave somewhere warm to rise for 30 mins.
7)      Punch dough to remove air
8)      Make shape of bun as you like
9)    Put buns on tray with greaseproof paper and cover with table towel again for 20 mins.
10)   Preheat oven to 190°C for 5 mins.
11)   Coat each bun with egg wash (1 egg beaten with 2 table spoons of water)
12)   Bake for 15 mins.