Side B

Side B

Monday, January 14, 2013

MiuMiu 去了彩虹橋

Miu Miu      20/2/2000 - 14/1/2013


Dearest Miu Miu,

I'm not sure if you knew but you were my first pet and you will always have a very special place in my heart. You were a kitten when we brought you back. You kept me awake all night because you were scared of the dark. I had to keep the lights on so that we can both get some sleep. You tried crawling into bed with me but you were scared of your own reflection on the floor. As you grew older, you've overcome your fears and go on an adventure on your own each night. Regardless of where you've been, I would always wake up with you sound asleep by my side.  During my rebellious years, you were the faithful friend who watched me had a sneak cigarette in our room and listen to me pour my heart out. Just so you know I ditched the boyfriend who hit you just because your scratched me once a little too hard while we were playing. Then I went away for university and work. I would always have your picture around in sight. But you've seem to forget me more with each day passing by. The only thing that you remembered me by was the faint cigarettes smell on my fingers. Now that you are gone, I wish you knew that you were not just a cat, you were my brother and a best friend a little girl could ask for. I love you and may you rest in peace.

Love. Forever yours,
Your sister, Jenn

Thursday, January 10, 2013


MiuMiu 出院了!

昨日早點放工去醫院探MiuMiu, 當我倆入到病房裡面,看到MiuMiu被放在冷冰冰的不銹鋼籠里,一聽到我們喊他的名字,他即用盡氣力帶著瘦弱的身軀,不理會一條條喉管連著他瘦小的手腳,爬到籠邊,像哀求我們帶他回家。。。我心如刀割!我哭了!

我同我家老闆講,無論如何,都要帶他回家,不理會獸醫說他如何的病重,要長期留醫洗腎, 直至病逝。  與其要他在那陌生的環境飽受驚恐,受皮肉之苦,倒不如讓他安安樂樂在熟悉温暖的家渡過餘生,自然地離逝。

回到家里,MiuMiu已急不及待的走出籠外,但見其小腳已無力,看著柔弱的他走進我房間的廁所內,待我抱他去飲水, 跟著就躲在那里睡著了!


Monday, January 7, 2013


近排無乜心機巡blog同寫blog, 因我家大仔MiuMiu 病了!

自從新年至今,MiuMiu就無胃口進食,我地已買了他最喜歡食既treats 都提唔起興趣。。。日漸消瘦 (得 4.18kg) 。。。昨天一早帶他去睇獸醫,随即被轉介到醫院去,經驗血及驗尿,證實是腎衰竭, 而家正留院觀察兩天,明天去見醫生,再作定斷!

我地一家都好擔心,自他出娘胎,他就一直待在我家里,從未去過寵物酒店,又十分之細膽,怕生埗, 真擔心他害怕得要命。 

希望MiuMiu能大步檻過, 可以健健康康地度過他13歲生日(2月20日)。

On the way 送MiuMiu 去醫院